Offering Fair Trade Organic Coffee
Since 2007

Cherrybean is a small batch coffee roasting company that is committed to roasting and delivering only the finest, freshest, fair trade organic arabica coffee beans. Our formula is simple: we source “green” Fair Trade Organic arabica beans from only the most reputable coffee importers. We roast these coffee beans in small batches to ensure that any beans with imperfections are sorted out. Finally, we package and ship our freshly roasted coffee immediately to you. The result is a cup of coffee bursting with flavor that only a freshly roasted coffee bean can deliver.

Our chief goal at Cherrybean is for you to be proud to serve our coffee to your guests. We find that when we achieve this, the rest of our goals fall into place.


Cherrybean Coffee Company has a rich local history. It was established in 2007 by Reed and Hope Friese. They roasted coffee and operated a coffee shop in Parker, SD. In 2010, Cherrybean was purchased by Brett and Carmen Smith. Brett and Carmen purchased the Brue Homestead, a 90 year old family acreage. They felt it only fitting to move the coffee business to the acreage. In 2015 the business was sold to Steven Hofer and in 2016 it made the move to main street Marion with the current owners, Shawn and Jennifer McCormick (and four children: Brielle, Elliana, Natalya & Bryce). Reed began Cherrybean as an independent, family owned business and it remains that way today.

About the roaster

Shawn and Jennifer enjoy rural living where life isn't so fast paced and neighbors are friends. Shawn grew up in Kansas and Jennifer was born and raised in Marion, SD. Shawn is a full-time farmer and Jennifer is a full-time momma to four amazing children. Together, they roast, package and deliver Cherrybean coffee.




No, our coffee does not taste like cherries. Cherrybean became the name of the company because before the coffee bean is harvested it sits inside a cherry fruit.
Find out about our Cherry blend here!


Coffee beans must be isolated from air and moisture. The best storage containers are made from glass or ceramic, which have the added benefit of being easily cleaned. If glass is used, the container should be kept in a dark location (light is, theoretically, usually an accelerant to chemical processes). In either case, the containers must be able to maintain an air- and moisture-proof seal. Alternately, mylar/plastic bags with one-way valves can also do a fine job so long as care is taken to ensuring an airtight seal. Regardless of the container, do not purchase more whole-bean coffee than can be consumed in approximately a week to two weeks post-roast.


“Acidity” refers to a flavor note — not to the actual acid content. (Coffee is relatively low in acid.) Its pH averages around 5.0 - 5.1, which is more neutral than beer or any fruit juice and similar to carbonated water. If a vinegar/water solution were made within an equivalent pH, its acidity could not be detected by taste.


Good quality coffee will commonly have some bitter elements, but they should exist in balance with other aspects. Therefore, bitterness should not be an overwhelming component. Unfortunately, most people are rarely served anything but poorly prepared coffee that may also have been sitting on a warming element for extended periods, so the standard experience is that coffee is bitter. Often people will confuse “bitter” with being “strong.” If your coffee is unpleasantly bitter, one cause may be that your grind is too fine for the steeping duration.


Although frequently used to refer to a dark, oily roast, there really is no such thing as an “espresso bean” or “espresso roast.” These names refer to different blends of coffee varieties and roasts, created with the intent of achieving an optimal espresso.


First, activated charcoal removes the caffeine from the water. Second, rather than recombining the water with the beans, the first batch of beans is thrown out and the water is combined with a new, untreated batch of beans. The theory behind this is that since the water is already saturated with every dissolvable compound except for caffeine, only the caffeine in the beans will dissolve, leaving the flavor intact.


Fair Trade is an organized social movement that aims to help producers in developing countries to make better trading conditions and promote sustainability. The market-based approach encompasses much more than just getting a fair price for coffee bean exchange. The common Fair Trade Organic principles are: fair price, fair labor conditions, direct trade, democratic and transparent organizations, community development and environmental sustainability.